In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
There is no other god beside GOD


Investigations into the origins of HIV has led to a conclusion that HIV is a descendant of a Simian Immunodeficiency Virus. Simian viruses (SIVs) are primate lentiviruses that cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AlDS)-like illnesses. The two types of HIV, HIV-1 and HIV-2 resembles closely to certain strains of SIVs. Though the virus is harmless to the monkey species that harbors it, it proves fatal to humans.

HIV-2 corresponds to an SIV strain found in the sooty mangabey (also known as the green monkey), which is indigenous to western Africa. HIV-2 virus is believed to simply come through the butchering and consumption of monkey meat. In Congo, you can easily buy either a monkey head, tail, arm or limb in the markets for only 300 Congo francs. A whole monkey sells at 2000 francs. Despite the animal’s reputation for being scavengers and carriers of disease. Leviticus 11:27-28: “Of the various quadrupeds, all those that walk on paws are unclean for you; everyone who touches their dead bodies shall be unclean until evening, and everyone who picks up their dead bodies shall wash his garments and be unclean until evening. Such is their uncleanness for you.”

The closest counterpart for HIV-1 is SIVcpz, the SIV found in chimpanzees. In a frozen sample of a sub-group of chimpanzees known as Pan troglodytes, a sub-group once common in west-central Africa, researches found two different viruses that traced back to a SIV that infected other monkey species, the red-capped mangabeys and the greater spot-nosed monkeys. Researches believe the hybridization to a third virus took place inside these infected chimps after they hunted and killed the two smaller species of monkey with each a "viral sex".

Not only can SIV cross from ape to ape, the virus can cross too the species barrier from monkey to man. Such viral transfer between animals and humans is known as zoonosis. Sex between human and monkeys is more hazardous than consumption. June Osborne once said to the US AIDS commission, "AIDS came about, initially, as punishment for the sin of bestiality between man and monkeys." It took years of research before Marco Lisanti became the first safari guide to admit that monkey sex for experimental vacationers is one of the most popular activities in travel brochures. The most popular guess for the first transfer of HIV to humans is thus Africa. Besides, monkeys from Asia and South America have never been found with SIVs.

Vedic scriptures cite that monkeys origin from the unions between early mindless humans and primitive mammals tens of millions of years ago. The result was a variety of semi-human beings with more or less apelike traits. Vedic scriptures describe these beings as "apes" that resembled humans much more than our present anthropoid apes. Most scholars suggest the Vedas to date between the range of 1200 and 1400 BCE but Hindus believe the ideas expressed in the Vedas had actually been in circulation for a long time before their codification and compilation.

The Vedas also holds that human beings did not descend from ape ancestors. Instead, humanity forms the main stock from which all beings are derived. One can ascertain what purposes served by fowls, sheep and even small creatures like insects, but what do such omnivorous quadrupeds do for the world? Were there monkeys in the time of Adam? Or did the first monkeys origin upon “backward evolution”? After the first man multiplied into tribes, some tribes break God’s commandments and became cursed to be the first apes. Or could those early humans have lived in such shame till they contract a disease that turned them into apes? Did the spawn of more varieties of apes and monkeys derive from the first ape tribe?

[Quran 5:60] Say, "Let me tell you who are worse in the sight of GOD: those who are condemned by GOD after incurring His wrath until He made them (as despicable as) monkeys and pigs, and the idol worshipers. These are far worse, and farther from the right path."

[Quran 2:65] You have known about those among you who desecrated the Sabbath. We said to them, "Be you as despicable as apes."

[Quran 7:166] When they continued to defy the commandments, we said to them, "Be you despicable apes."

What commandments did those humans (who were cursed to become apes) break? Was God angered by the cross-marriage between human and ape? Was it the sanctity of marriages that humans break? Or were the humans practicing free sex like apes? Many a past communities have been known for that.

Hindus believe “backward" evolution is the process of humans heading backwards in the evolution of consciousness because they only use their intelligence for facilitating the animal propensities in an advanced, scientific way instead of using it to advance spiritually. They also believe in reincarnation and that humans who misuse their God-given intelligence would go backwards on the evolutionary path and will find themselves in the bodies of monkeys in their next lives. To be reincarnated in a monkey’s body (instead of a human body) is not the best thing.

If such apes were former humans, eating monkeys could surely bring about the same health effects as cannibalism. In an April 2003’s edition of National Geographic News, John Roach wrote that modern humans carry a gene that evolved as protection against brain diseases that can be spread by eating human flesh. This gene protect humans from prion diseases, such as brain diseases characterized by loss of coordination, dementia, paralysis, and eventually death. Modern examples include kuru and Creutzfeld Jacob disease in humans, and mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy, in animals.

The idea that evolution can run backward isn’t new; some scientists say there have been confirmed cases of it in animals. Reverse evolution would happen when organisms lose genes that had fallen into disuse. Much like fish that take up living in dark caves can mostly lose their eyes, since they don’t need them. Human DNA can lose its vitality too by developing genetic disorders.

Uner Tan of Cukurova University Medical School in Adana discovered a mutation in one Turkish family. He named the condition after himself: Unertan syndrome. He mapped the defect to a region of the genome called chromosome 17p, a site of some of the biggest genetic differences between humans and chimps. Other researchers have also recently linked bipedalism to 17p.

In the journal Neuroquantology, he wrote “The children exhibiting this syndrome originated from a family having 19 children.” Five of these, aged 14 to 32 years, “walked on two palms and two feet, with extended legs… They could stand up, but only for a short time, with flexed knees and heads.” “The patients had a rather primitive language... they spoke to each other using their own language, using only a few hundred words” which the parents could partly understand. “They were unaware of year, season, day, and time. Otherwise, they had quite strong legs and arms. The sitting posture was rather similar to an ape. They could walk fairly fast using their strong legs, without any imbalances.”

In a March issue of the International Journal of Neuroscience he said that this Turkish family represents “possible backward evolution,” and as such, it “can be considered a live model for human evolution”. He also posted an online video clip of an affected woman walking on all fours, her face blurred.
While there is overwhelming evidence of organisms losing genes that had fallen into disuse, the hominid theory of man’s descent from apes still prevails. In 1871, Charles Darwin attempted to explain that humans descent from a "hominid" line that diverged from a line of African apes just a few million years ago. He believed organisms evolved by a theory of random variation and natural selection. In 1809, French scientist Jean Baptiste de Lamarck proposed that humans evolve through "the inheritance of acquired characteristics." Both ideas were very much similar to the ideas of the evolutionary descent of man from animal by ancient Greek philosophers such as Anaximander. These ideas are based on the concept that complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors naturally over time.

Interesting to note though is that evidence to support the hominid theory are mostly based on skeletal evidence. And day by day, more skeletal frauds for the Homo Erectus are unraveled. For example in 1953, the Piltdown man (Eoanthropus Dawsoni) was exposed to have been put together by using pieces of human skull cap and the jaw of a chimpanzee. The teeth had been filed down and chemicals had been used to "age" the bones. In 1927, the jaw-bone of the Nebraska man (Hesperopithecus Haroldcookii) was exposed to have come from an extinct pig. All fossil evidence of the Peking man (Sinanthropus Pekinensis) was reportedly lost in 1941. In 1937, the Java man (Pithecanthropus) was exposed as just that of an extinct gibbon-like ape.

If at all humans were once apes, why don’t we carry down the SIV with us from the day we were born? And even if one day comes stronger evidence of the hominid ancestry, where then would a living, self-reproducing organism come from in the first place? Creationism or creation theology is the belief that humans, life, the earth and the universe were created by a supreme being or supernatural intervention.

[Quran 6:98] He initiated you from one person, and decided your path, as well as your final destiny. We thus clarify the revelations for people who understand.

[Quran 15:26] We created the human being from aged mud, like the potter's clay.

Potter’s clay which He blew from his divine spirit into: [Quran 15:28-29] Your Lord said to the angels, "I am creating a human being from aged mud, like the potter's clay. Once I perfect him, and blow into him from My spirit, you shall fall prostrate before him."

[Quran 3:59-60] The example of Jesus, as far as GOD is concerned, is the same as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him, "Be," and he was. This is the truth from your Lord; do not harbor any doubts.

Relatively speaking, primate bones are much thicker and heavier than human bones. Primate muscles are five to 10 times stronger than ours. Could their stronger bones take far longer to disintegrate than the bones of the humans living in the same time? Or perhaps, being the more robust than humans, ape communities lived in a different environment and thus die in a different soil too where their bones would disintegrate much slower? Or are these ape bones simply preserved by God to serve as a lesson for future generations? Like He did preserve the Pharaoh. If the apes were formerly humans, would they have lived together with humans? Would a burial ground of ape bones be the same location as one for human bones?

[Quran 10:92] "Today, we will preserve your body, to set you up as a lesson for future generations." Unfortunately, many people are totally oblivious to our signs.

Asiah A L from Singapore

International Community of Submitters / Masjid Tucson
The world wide community of those who Submit to God Alone and advocate the worship of God Alone
Praise Be To God, Lord of the Universe