Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Salaam alaikum, The Miss USA beauty contest has been in the news recently. As submitters, we know the beauty that matters -- is in the spiritual dimension. The real contest or challenge, is to be able to make it to Heaven by God's leave. [25:76] Eternally they abide therein; what a beautiful destiny; what a beautiful abode. [29:58] Those who believe and lead a righteous life, we will surely settle them in Paradise, with mansions and flowing streams. Eternally they abide therein. What a beautiful reward for the workers. Heaven: Indescribably Beautiful [32:17] You have no idea how much joy and happiness are waiting for you as a reward for your (righteous) works. For more information on Heaven and Hell: Peace.