Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, The mountains God created submit to His will (Quran 33:72, 34:10). Humans are struck by their awe-inspiring beauty and humbled by their majesty. Mountains also serve a very important role in the earth's design--providing balance and stability. [Quran 78:6-7] Did we not make the earth habitable? And the mountains stabilizers? [Quran 15:19-20] As for the earth, we constructed it, and placed on it stabilizers (mountains), and we grew on it a perfect balance of everything. We made it habitable for you,* and for creatures you do not provide for. {footnote} *15:20 When we send astronauts into space, we provide them with precisely measured quantities of food, water, and oxygen. God created the spaceship Earth with billions of astronauts who work and reproduce; He supplied them with a self-supporting system that generates oxygen, fresh water, and a great variety of delicious foods and drinks. The Mountains as stabilizers: Peace.