In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, Even though we are on "parole" on earth, God in His infinite grace, and mercy, blesses submitters immensely with sovereignty and perfect happiness (Quran 10:62-65, 24:55). [Quran 24:55] God promises those who believe and lead a righteous life, that He will make them sovereigns on earth, as He did for those before them, and will establish for them the religion He has chosen for them, and will substitute peace and security for them in place of fear. All this because they worship Me alone; they never set up any idols beside Me. Those who disbelieve after this are the truly wicked. We know that we have chosen to be Satan's constituents in his temporary kingdom earth. Nevertheless, perfect happiness and God's infinite protection in accordance with God's plan are still available to us. We must repent and do our best to fulfill the redemption plan given to us by God. References: Sovereignty and Perfect Happiness From God: Why Were We Created? Peace. ** Ramadan information (including Night of Destiny): **