Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, God warns us against behaviors like spreading rumors (Quran 4:83, 24:11, 17:36, 49:6), suspicion and backbiting (49:11-12). Crucial Advice [Quran 17:36] You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them. Rumors are seeded in jealousy and cause harm to the person against whom we direct our jealousy. They may be seeded with suspicion or backbiting. When we believe that God is running everything, we trust in God and give people the benefit of the doubt rather than harboring even the slightest bit of suspicion, for our own good. If we are unsure, it is better to verify any information that comes our way and to try and understand the circumstances under which that person may have acted in a particular manner. Spreading information with the objective of maligning or ridiculing the other person or under the pretext of 'being concerned' constitutes spreading rumors and we know there are consequences for our souls for any sin. How to Deal With Rumors and Unproven Accusations [Quran 24:11] A gang among you produced a big lie. Do not think that it was bad for you; instead, it was good for you. Meanwhile, each one of them has earned his share of the guilt. As for the one who initiated the whole incident, he has incurred a terrible retribution. [24:12] When you heard it, the believing men and the believing women should have had better thoughts about themselves, and should have said, "This is obviously a big lie." References: Sermon, Knowing God, Silent Sins, Tools of the Devil, What Price A Great Nation, Peace.