Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, We learn from Quran that bribery and corruption are condemned (Quran 2:188, 17:38). One of the differences between submitter and others is that as submitters we accept God's guidance and clear instruction telling us what we can and cannot do. To protect us from falling into sin, God gives us specific instructions regarding bribery. But for God's mercy and grace we could as easily fall prey to bribery, cheating or corruption that is all around us. In Quran, God also gives us tools to aid us. When the devil whispers, we are told to seek refuge in God (Quran 7:200-202, 23:97-98, 41:36), and He protects us. If we reverence God, He makes things easy for us (Quran 65:4). We are commanded to observe the Contact Prayers to help us remember God and avoid evil and vice (Quran 29:45). Bribery, Corruption Condemned [Quran 2:188] You shall not take each others' money illicitly, nor shall you bribe the officials to deprive others of some of their rights illicitly, while you know. [Quran 65:4] ... Anyone who reverences GOD, He makes everything easy for him. The Contact Prayers (Salat) [Quran 29:45] You shall recite what is revealed to you of the scripture, and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), for the Contact Prayers prohibit evil and vice. But the remembrance of GOD (through Salat) is the most important objective.* GOD knows everything you do. [Quran 3:104] Let there be a community of you who invite to what is good, advocate righteousness, and forbid evil. These are the winners. May God help us strive to follow His commandments and protect us from sin and harm (Quran 2:186, 12:23, 13:11, 27:50). References: What Price A Great Nation, Many Faces of Corruption, Godly behavior from the Bible and Quran, Peace.