Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, Trusting in God helps us see the good in every situation. It helps us appreciate how much worse seemingly bad situations could have been. Believers know God is in control of all things (Quran 10:61), and they trust God (Quran 10:84-85, 11:56, 25:58). The Quran gives us many examples of how God responds to and saves the believers from crises (Quran 5:11, 21:88, 26:62-65), sin (Quran 2:286, 12:24), and Satan's schemes (Quran 8:11, 16:98-99, 40:45). Like many things in life, trusting in God takes practice. We have to train ourselves to remember God and immediately implore Him when faced with any test (Quran 2:177, 7:200-206, 12:18, 14:12, 20:130, 38:17). [Quran 3:159-160] ... GOD loves those who trust in Him.* If GOD supports you, none can defeat you. And if He abandons you, who else can support you? In GOD the believers shall trust. *3:159 The currency of the U.S.A. is the only currency that carries the phrase: "In God we trust." It is a fact that the American dollar has been the strongest currency in the world, and the standard by which all other currencies are measured. [Quran 8:2] The true believers are those whose hearts tremble when GOD is mentioned, and when His revelations are recited to them, their faith is strengthened, and they trust in their Lord. [Quran 64:13] GOD: there is no other god besides Him. In GOD the believers shall trust. [Quran 65:3] ... Anyone who trusts in GOD, He suffices him. GOD's commands are done. GOD has decreed for everything its fate References: God is running everything, Video: Knowing God, Whom should we trust, Bukhari or God Almighty? Peace.