Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, Today's society is replete with powerful temptations. In some societies, even parents start talking about boyfriends for their daughters and girlfriends for their sons. When they reach their teens, many parents even supply birth control means to their children. An alarming percentage of teenagers are sexually active, even though they are not physiologically mature, and without any moral limitations. Millions of illicit pregnancies and the tragedies associated with them, plus millions of tragic abortions, happen every month. Sons and daughters of the true believers must be taught that their happiness throughout their lives depends on following God's law and preserving their chastity. This means that they must keep themselves for their spouses only, and never allow anyone else to touch them in a sexual manner (23:5-6, 24:30, 33:35, 70:29-30). [Quran 23:1-5] Successful indeed are the believers; who are reverent during their Contact Prayers (Salat). And they avoid vain talk. And they give their obligatory charity (Zakat). And they maintain their chastity. References: Virginity/Chastity: A Trait of the True Believers, Maintaining Chastity in a Promiscuous Society, Peace.