Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, If humans value someone in this world, they try to get close to them. People will pay large sums of money to spend time with the rich and powerful. How much more important is it to be close to God? Indeed, being admitted among those close to God is a great blessing (Quran 3:45, 4:172, 56:10-11, 56:88, 83:22-28). How can we be close to God? It is very important that we remind ourselves that we (the real person, the soul) are not of this earthly world. Since our souls are not of earthly materials, our salvation cannot possibly come from earthly materials such as money, children, worldly positions, power, etc. Instead, the Quran tells us to be close to God: we must grow our souls. For example, we must remember God always (Quran 2:152, 2:200, 3:191, 33:41-42). We must observe the Contact Prayers (Quran 20:14) and commemorate His name (Quran 73:8). [Quran 20:14] "I am GOD; there is no other god beside Me. You shall worship Me alone, and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) to remember Me. [Quran 73:8] You shall commemorate the name of your Lord, to come ever closer and closer to Him. References: Who Is Your God?, How to be close to God, Peace.