Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, God puts us to death during the night and resurrects us every morning (Quran 6:60). A submitter should seize each day as a new day to worship God alone and do better than yesterday (Quran 30:17-18, 51:56, 19:65, 90:4, 52:48, 59:18). Even if we made mistakes in the past, God allows us to sincerely repent and start anew (Quran 66:8, 4:146, 2:160, 5:74, etc.). New Year's reflection: What can I do today to grow my soul (better than I did yesterday)? The Purpose of Our Existence [Quran 51:56] I did not create the jinns and the humans except to worship Me alone. The Believers Repent [Quran 66:8] O you who believe, you shall repent to GOD a firm repentance. Your Lord will then remit your sins and admit you into gardens with flowing streams. ... [Quran 25:71] Those who repent and lead a righteous life, GOD redeems them; a complete redemption. [Quran 52:48] You shall steadfastly persevere in carrying out your Lord's command--you are in our eyes--and glorify and praise your Lord when you get up. References: Friday Sermon of Dr. Khalifa (1 Jan 1988), Why Were We Created? Road To Happiness: Seek to Please God, Steadfastness, Peace.