Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, Contentment is a trait of the submitting soul. [Quran 89:27-30] As for you, O content soul. Return to your Lord, pleased and pleasing. Welcome into My servants. Welcome into My Paradise. A happy person submits to God, knowing whatever they are given by God is the best for them (Quran 11:86). By appreciating what they have (instead of focusing on what other people have), they find happiness in God's blessings upon them. God tells us that the more we thank Him, the more He gives us (Quran 14:7). God gives us provisions for this world and the next. The more we appreciate God's blessings, the more our souls grow. The more our souls grow, the happier we become. Are we appreciative of what God has given us? Are we content souls? References: Contentment, Contentment with what we have, Why were we created? Peace.