Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, We learn from the Quran that "Islam" is not simply the name of a religion. It is a description meaning Submission. It is total submission and devotion to God alone (Quran 4:125, 16:52) and the only religion approved by God (Quran 3:19). One does not become a Muslim (Submitter) automatically if one's birth certificate says so. A person's name, parents' religious background, race or language is no guarantee for them to be a Submitter (Muslim) acceptable to God. Some people confuse Middle Eastern cultural practices with the religion of Submission (Islam). A prevalent myth among such people is that Muhammad was the founder of the religion of "Islam" (Submission). This reflects lack of knowledge of the Quran. Islam is called the "religion of Abraham" (Millat Ibrahim) throughout the Quran (Quran 2:130, 135; 3:95; 4:125, etc.). Furthermore, God informs us in the Quran that all religious practices including the Contact prayers (Salat), the obligatory charity (Zakat), the fasting of Ramadan, and the Hajj pilgrimage were established with Abraham, long before the Quran's revelation (Quran 2:128, 21:73, 22:78). Abraham: Original Messenger of Islam* [Quran 4:125] Who is better guided in his religion than one who submits totally to GOD, leads a righteous life, according to the creed of Abraham: monotheism? GOD has chosen Abraham as a beloved friend. *4:125 All messengers since Adam have preached one and the same religion. Abraham was the original messenger of the creed named "Islam" (22:78, Appendix 26). "Islam" is not a name, but rather a description meaning "Submission." References: Religion of Islam (Submission), Abraham: Original Messenger of Islam, Introduction, Peace.