Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, [Quran 16:78] GOD brought you out of your mothers' bellies knowing nothing, and He gave you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brains, that you may be appreciative. In this world if a child is particularly unappreciative of a privilege, parents may take it away for awhile. Imagine if we lost our hearing or eyesight because God saw us being unappreciative or because we didn't pray our Contact Prayers (Salat)? Who could restore these for us but God? God Alone Worthy of Worship [Quran 6:46] Say, "What if GOD took away your hearing and your eyesight, and sealed your minds; which god, other than GOD, can restore these for you?" Note how we explain the revelations, and note how they still deviate! [Quran 2:152] You shall remember Me, that I may remember you, and be thankful to Me; do not be unappreciative. Let us use every day that God blesses us with our senses to appreciate the Most Gracious, Most Merciful Lord who created everything and provides us with so much! References: Do we thank God enough?, Your Hearing, Eyesight and Brains, Peace.