Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, The Quran is characterized by a unique phenomenon never found in any human authored book. Every element of the Quran is mathematically composed — the suras, the verses, the words, the number of certain letters, the number of words from the same root, the number and variety of divine names, the unique spelling of certain words, the absence or deliberate alteration of certain letters within certain words, and many other elements of the Quran besides its content. [Quran 74:35] This is one of the great miracles.* *74:30-35 This "One of the great miracles" provides the first physical evidence that the Quran is God's message to the world. This 19-based miracle is detailed in Appendix 1. Let us look at a few proofs related to the first chapter of Quran, The Key (Al-Fãtehah). This sura (chapter) consists of 7 verses. (1) The sura number, followed by the numbers of verses, next to each other, give 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. This number is a multiple of 19. (2) If we substitute the number of letters per verse in place of the verse numbers, we get 1 19 17 12 11 19 18 43. This number is also a multiple of 19. (3) If we insert the total gematrical value of every verse, we get 1 19 786 17 581 12 618 11 241 19 836 18 1072 43 6009. This number is a multiple of 19. Many more proofs are in: One of the Great Miracles [74:35], Religious Duties: A Gift From God, -------- God willing the annual Submitters conference will be from 29-31 July 2016 in Vancouver Canada. This is a happy occasion when submitters from all over the world get together to remember God (Quran 3:191, 2:152, 4:103, 7:205), increase their knowledge (Quran 58:11, 20:114) and meet their brothers and sisters in Submission to God (Quran 49:10, 18:28), the eternal family. Pre-conference, on Thursday (July 28), God willing we will have a "spread the message" event in Vancouver. Details at: The Real Family [Quran 49:10] The believers are members of one family ... Quranic Study Groups [Quran 18:28] You shall force yourself to be with those who worship their Lord day and night, seeking Him alone. Do not turn your eyes away from them, seeking the vanities of this world. Nor shall you obey one whose heart we rendered oblivious to our message; one who pursues his own desires, and whose priorities are confused. Conference page: Peace.