Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, We learn from Quran that there is a good reason for everything. For example, when Joseph was thrown into a well by his brothers, God reassured him that things would ultimately turn out for the better (Quran 12:4-15). When Moses was learning from God's servant, we see: [18:71-77] So they went. When they boarded a ship, he bore a hole in it. He said, "Did you bore a hole in it to drown its people? You have committed something terrible." He said, "Did I not say that you cannot stand to be with me?" He said, "I am sorry. Do not punish me for my forgetfulness; do not be too harsh with me." So they went. When they met a young boy, he killed him. He said, "Why did you kill such an innocent soul, who did not kill another soul? You have committed something horrendous." He said, "Did I not tell you that you cannot stand to be with me?" He said, "If I ask you about anything else, then do not keep me with you. You have seen enough apologies from me." So they went. When they reached a certain community, they asked the people for food, but they refused to host them. Soon, they found a wall about to collapse, and he fixed it. He said, "You could have demanded a wage for that!" There is a Good Reason for Everything [18:78-82] He said, "Now we have to part company. But I will explain to you everything you could not stand. "As for the ship, it belonged to poor fishermen, and I wanted to render it defective. There was a king coming after them, who was confiscating every ship, forcibly. As for the boy, his parents were good believers, and we saw that he was going to burden them with his transgression and disbelief.* We willed that your Lord substitute in his place another son; one who is better in righteousness and kindness. As for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the city. Under it, there was a treasure that belonged to them. Because their father was a righteous man, your Lord wanted them to grow up and attain full strength, then extract their treasure. Such is mercy from your Lord. I did none of that of my own volition. This is the explanation of the things you could not stand." *18:80 Adolf Hitler was a cute and seemingly innocent child. Had he died as a child, many would have grieved, and many would have even questioned God's wisdom. We learn from these profound lessons that there is a good reason behind everything. So, if we cannot understand the reasons behind events in our lives or the world, we should turn to God and implore Him, knowing that He is running everything. As long as we observe God's commandments, God will protect His servants. References Knowing God, God is running everything, God is in control, Building Faith, Peace.