[23:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
[23:1] Successful indeed are the believers;
[23:2] who are reverent during their Contact Prayers (Salat).
[23:3] And they avoid vain talk.
[23:4] And they give their obligatory charity (Zakat).
[23:5] And they maintain their chastity.
[23:7] Those who transgress these limits are the transgressors.
[23:9] And they observe their Contact Prayers (Salat) regularly.
[23:10] Such are the inheritors.
[23:11] They will inherit Paradise, wherein they abide forever.
Accurate Embryology
[23:12] We created the human being from a certain kind of mud.
[23:15] Then, later on, you die.
[23:16] Then, on the Day of Resurrection, you will be resurrected.
The Seven Universes
Innumerable Blessings From God
[23:20] Also, a tree native to Sinai produces oil, as well as relish for the eaters.
[23:22] On them, and on the ships, you ride.
[23:25] "He is simply a man gone crazy. Just ignore him for awhile."
[23:26] He said, "My Lord, grant me victory, for they have disbelieved me."
*23:27 The story tellers have created a mockery of Noah's history. Noah's ark was a flat watercraft made of logs, tied together with primitive ropes (54:13), the flood was local, around the Dead Sea area, and the animals were Noah's domesticated animals.
[23:29] "And say, 'My Lord, let me disembark onto a blessed location; You are the best deliverer.'"
[23:30] These should provide sufficient proofs for you. We will certainly put you to the test.
[23:31] Subsequently, we established another generation after them.
[23:34] "If you obey a human being like you, then you are really losers.
[23:36] "Impossible, impossible indeed is what is promised to you.
[23:37] "We only live this life—we live and die—and we will never be resurrected.
[23:39] He said, "My Lord, grant me victory, for they have disbelieved me."
[23:40] He said, "Soon they will be sorry."
[23:42] Subsequently, we established other generations after them.
[23:43] No community can advance its predetermined fate, nor delay it.
Moses and Aaron
[23:45] Then we sent Moses and his brother Aaron with our revelations and a profound proof.
[23:46] To Pharaoh and his elders, but they turned arrogant. They were oppressive people.
[23:47] They said, "Shall we believe for two men whose people are our slaves?"
[23:48] They rejected the two, and consequently, they were annihilated.
[23:49] We gave Moses the scripture, that they may be guided.
One God/One Religion
[23:52] Such is your congregation—one congregation—and I am your Lord; you shall reverence Me.
[23:53] But they tore themselves into disputing factions; each party happy with what they have.
[23:54] Therefore, just leave them in their confusion, for awhile.
[23:55] Do they think that, since we provided them with money and children,
[23:56] we must be showering them with blessings? Indeed, they have no idea.
[23:57] Surely, those who are reverently conscious of their Lord,
[23:58] And who believe in the revelations of their Lord,
[23:59] And who never set up any idols beside their Lord,
[23:61] They are eager to do righteous works; they compete in doing them.
The Disbelievers Unappreciative
[23:64] Then, when we requite their leaders with retribution, they complain.
[23:65] Do not complain now; you have given up all help from us.
[23:66] My proofs have been presented to you, but you turned back on your heels.
[23:67] You were too arrogant to accept them, and you defiantly disregarded them.
[23:69] Have they failed to recognize their messenger? Is this why they are disregarding him?
[23:72] Are you asking them for a wage? Your Lord's wage is far better. He is the best Provider.
[23:73] Most assuredly, you are inviting them to a straight path.
[23:74] Those who disbelieve in the Hereafter will surely deviate from the right path.
[23:76] Even when we afflicted them with retribution, they never turned to their Lord imploring.
[23:79] He is the One who established you on earth, and before Him you will be summoned.
[23:81] They said what their ancestors said.
[23:82] They said, "After we die and become dust and bones, we get resurrected?
Most Believers are Destined for Hell*
[23:84] Say, "To whom belongs the earth and everyone on it, if you know?"
*23:84-89 Belief in God is valid only if one recognizes God's qualities, such as the fact that God controls everything (8:17). Believers who do not know God are not really believers. Most believers nullify their belief by idolizing such powerless idols as the prophets and saints (6:106).
[23:85] They will say, "To GOD." Say, "Why then do you not take heed?"
[23:86] Say, "Who is the Lord of the seven universes; the Lord of the great dominion?"
[23:87] They will say, "GOD." Say, "Why then do you not turn righteous?"
[23:89] They will say, "GOD." Say, "Where did you go wrong?"
[23:90] We have given them the truth, while they are liars.
[23:92] The Knower of all secrets and declarations; be He exalted, far above having a partner.
[23:93] Say, "My Lord, whether You show me (the retribution) they have incurred,
[23:94] "My Lord, let me not be one of the transgressing people."
[23:95] To show you (the retribution) we have reserved for them is something we can easily do.
[23:96] Therefore, counter their evil works with goodness; we are fully aware of their claims.
To Be Protected From Satan
[23:97] Say, "My Lord, I seek refuge in You from the whispers of the devils.
[23:98] "And I seek refuge in You, my Lord, lest they come near me."
The Dead Never Come Back Until the Day of Resurrection
[23:99] When death comes to one of them, he says, "My Lord, send me back.
[23:102] As for those whose weights are heavy, they will be the winners.
[23:104] Fire will overwhelm their faces, and they last miserably therein.
[23:105] Were not My revelations recited to you, and you kept on rejecting them?
[23:106] They will say, "Our Lord, our wickedness overwhelmed us, and we were people gone astray.
[23:108] He will say, "Abide therein, humiliated, and do not speak to Me.
They Ridiculed the Believers
[23:112] He said, "How long have you lasted on earth? How many years?"
[23:113] They said, "We lasted a day or part of a day. Ask those who counted."
[23:114] He said, "In fact, you stayed but a brief interim, if you only knew.
[23:115] "Did you think that we created you in vain; that you were not to be returned to us?"
Cumulative frequency of the word GOD for this Sura = 1707
Cumulative sum of verses where the word GOD occurs for this Sura = 96605