In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
There is no other god beside GOD

Inviting to God

You shall invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom and kind enlightenment,
and debate with them in the best possible manner... (16:125)

When you discover something precious in life, your first reaction is to share this experience with your friends and loved ones. When you discover the peace and power of “Submission to God,” this feeling is almost impossible to control. You are filled with excitement and you pray that all those around you will share in the same path with you.

Unfortunately, this enthusiasm can quickly change to disappointment, anger and even a sense of separation as others ignore or criticize your message. If you are finding yourself in a similar situation, you should take comfort that God has left some advice for you. The Quran teaches a beautiful way of sharing God’s message with others and helps you make sense of the different reactions you may encounter.

You must first understand the role you play in inviting to God. This responsibility does not come with the pressure and stress of having to guide the ones you love. God is the only One who guides (2:272, 11:88). In Chapter 28, Verse 56 of the Quran, we read:

“You cannot guide the ones you love. GOD is the only One who guides in accordance with His will, and in accordance with His knowledge of those who deserve the guidance.” (28:56)

As a result, you are simply an instrument that provides information and demonstrates God’s path to others by your example. You should not blame yourself or be saddened by the person’s response to your message. If they decide to turn away, they are not rejecting you, but rather God’s revelations (6:33, 18:6). Your focus should be on how best to give the information and please God in the process. The Quran gives you just the tools you need.

When you invite others, you should not use force or compulsion (2:256). God will make sure that the right way is clear from the wrong way. Raising your voice, pressuring someone or making them feel guilty does not make God’s message any more clear.

Your responsibility is to invite to the path of God with wisdom and kind enlightenment (16:125). If you get into a debate, stay calm and speak in the best possible manner. A loud voice doesn’t make your information more convincing. In fact, God describes such a loud tone as ugly as a donkey’s voice (31:19).

If you are finding that the person is using a bad response, you should reply in a good manner instead. Can you imagine the example that you are showing when you respond with good words rather than matching insults? Such a reaction has the power of turning even an enemy into a friend (41:34).

Patience is a very important part of inviting to God. Keep in mind that not everyone will appreciate God’s message in the same way as you. Each person has a different pace and belief system. Some will understand the message of Submission quickly and are not tied down to a belief they have been practicing for a long time or a religion they have inherited from their parents. Just imagine how you would feel if someone told you that the religion you have been practicing for all these years is not according to God’s path.

A person may need time to examine their belief in light of the new information you have given them. The best thing you can do is to offer your support, give encouragement and be available to answer the questions that come up. The first reaction of someone is not always the final decision.

A person may criticize or deny your information at first but then slowly begin to appreciate some parts of your message. Focus on the parts you have in common and build from there. According to the Quran, patience reflects a true strength of character and is a quality that comes by turning to God for help (16:127, 42:43). We read about this quality in 20:130: Therefore, be patient in the face of their utterances, and praise and glorify your Lord before sunrise and before sunset…

Tolerance is another quality you must have when speaking with others (7:199, 24:22). You should accept the person for who they are while you are sharing God’s message with them. Tolerance means you don’t label the person with such names as disbeliever, idol worshipper, or hypocrite as you are inviting them. Yes, their belief may be completely different than the message of worshiping God alone, but you must be tolerant during the process.

Again, ask yourself how you would feel if the person who introduced God’s message to you had been intolerant and judgmental towards you. Most likely, you would have jumped ship and refused to listen to their message. A great example of this trait is reflected in verse 3:159 when God speaks of the prophet Muhammad: It was mercy from GOD that you became compassionate towards them. Had you been harsh and mean-hearted, they would have abandoned you…

Don’t give up! When you sense the person is struggling and wants to believe but is not taking the steps, stay with them. Keep reminding and encouraging them by being a good example or inviting them to occasions where they can feel the support of others who are worshiping God alone.

This continual support is especially encouraged for members of your own family as we read in 20:132: You shall enjoin your family to observe the contact prayers (Salat), and steadfastly persevere in doing so…

Of course, there are some common sense signs that tell you when to stop. If the person starts to fight you verbally or threatens you, it is time to walk away. Your job is complete. Even as you part ways, you should remember not to use insults as mentioned in 73:10: And remain steadfast in the face of their utterances, and disregard them in a nice manner.” Chapter 109 gives you the perfect words to use. What do you gain by labeling the person or condemning them? God is the Ultimate Judge and is fully aware of their destiny (6:62).

The best thing you can do is to continue setting an example that will speak God’s message without having to use words. You will set this example by following the same guidance that you are sharing from the Quran. Pray to God for the guidance of those you are inviting and remember that your only duty is to provide information in the best manner possible. Even if the person decides to turn away, you have done your job according to God’s design. As mentioned in verse 41:33: Who can utter better words than one who invites to GOD, works righteousness, and says, “I am one of the submitters?

Finally, I will leave you with a beautiful example of how Noah shared God’s message with his people.

He said, “My Lord, I have invited my people night and day. But my invitation only increased their aversion. Whenever I invited them to be forgiven by You, they placed their fingers in their ears, covered themselves with their clothes, insisted, and turned arrogant. Then I invited them publicly. Then I proclaimed to them loudly, and I spoke to them privately. I said, ‘Implore your Lord for forgiveness; He is Forgiving. He will then shower you generously with rain. And provide you with money and children, and orchards, and streams.’ ” (71:5-12)

 Amir K.

(This article was originally published in the June 2002 issue of the Submitters Perpective)


Happiness is Submission to God

United Submitters International / International Community of Submitters / Masjid Tucson
The world wide community of those who submit to God alone and advocate the worship of God alone
All Praise Be To God!