Comments on the WebI have read your web pages and various articles. I find them astounding. I am American, born Catholic, raised Christian, converted to Sunni Muslim over a year ago. I have found myself loving God all of my life... but I have been at cross ends with man-made religion. I only believe and have faith in the creator not any flesh and blood man or men. I believe that God can inspire men and sends prophets and teaches for glorifying Him, but I have refused to assume any flesh and blood person could be equal to God Almighty! Yet for all the claims of Islam, I find some things that definitely disturb me. I want to know more about you. I seem to agree with many of your principles and teachings so far that I have read. Please send me a newsletter in my mail…. A. * * * * * * |
Asalam alaikum brothers & sisters submiters Today will be a day to remember. It’s been three weeks since I’ve been on your web site meditating and changing a great deal from my spiritual practice you made me acknowledge. My real teacher of the Qu‘ran is *Allah* of course…. May *Al Gayyum* (the Eternal) always protect the faithful ones. * * * * * * Salám, |
to a good friend with excellent articles and words of wisdom. Dr Khalifa’s translation of the Quran that I was sent last year is a daily-read treasure. I have recommended to a friend in Brittany since he wants to learn more about Islam, that this is the best place to start. R S * * * * * * Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you & thank you again for your website. A Submitter |