November 2013: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Submitters Perspective

Page 3

Mathematical View of Adam’s Redemption and Sura Al-Fatehah

Cont’d from page 2

Sum of words in 7 verses ⇒ 4 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 8 = 28

Sum of digits of the 7 verse numbers ⇒ 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 28

Let us represent the Al-Fatehah with 28, the specific number of words of God gave us in this chapter. The next proof shows a mathematical relationship between the Al-Fatehah and verses 7:23 and 2:37 which may indicate that our redemption process is the same as the redemption process of Adam. We use 723 to represent (7:23) and 237 to represent (2:37).

5.  723 237 28       =    19  x  3806512

6.  723 + 237 + 28 =    988   =    19  x  52

Here is the mathematical interpretation of the first and second steps of Adam’s redemption process as described above. In 5. 723 is used before 237 in the relation as the Sura 7 was the 39th revelation to indicate that Adam and Eve first repented to God and asked His forgiveness for their transgression per (7:23). Chapter 2 (Sura 2) was the 87th revelation to indicate that God gave them the specific words to recite to redeem themselves per (2:37). 

The number “19” is the common denominator of Quran’s mathematical code. From Quran (74:30-35) we learn that the 19-based miracle of the Quran is a great miracle from God. [74:35] This is one of the great miracles. If the digits of (74:35) are added, the sum is 7+4+3+5= 19.

A few mathematical properties and facts about The Key (Al-Fatehah) are below. A comprehensive list is beyond the scope of this article.

Its first verse, the Basmala, is also the first verse of the Quran. The Basmala is composed of 19 Arabic letters and it occurs 114 times in the Quran (in two numbered verses and in 112 unnumbered verses). 114 is equal to the total number of suras in the Quran, and is multiple of 19 (19 x 6).

Our lips touch 19 times when we recite Al-Fatehah.


When the sura number (which is 1) and the number of verses in it (which is 7) are placed side by side, the number is 17, which confirms 17 units (Rak’ahs) of the Contact Prayers (Salat) 5 times a day.

When the Sura number which is 1 and the digits of its seven verses are placed next to each other, the number is 1 1234567, which is multiple of 19 (19x591293).

The number of words in its 7 verses is equal to the sum of the 7 verse numbers, both of which are 28 (see item 4. ). The numbers 28 and 1234567 (a list of verse numbers of this chapter) both participate in the mathematical interpretation to confirm Adam’s redemption process as well as ours (as children of Adam).

Returning to the discussion of verses 2:37 and 7:23, we observe that the Sura Al-Fatehah and its verse numbers also has a strong relationship with these two verses. Let us use the sequence of verse numbers  in Sura 1 to represent Al-Fatehah (1234567).

7.   723  1234567  =  19  x  380591293

8.   1234567  237  =   19  x  64977223

In the first mathematical relation (7.) the number is divisible by 19. This can represent the fact that Adam and Eve repented and asked God’s forgiveness (7:23). God accepted their repentance and gave them the specific words (Chapter 1, represented by 1234567). Adam and Eve recited those specific words asking God for their forgiveness to be redeemed by Him.

In the second mathematical relation, the number also is divisible by 19. Here we place the representation of The Key (1234567) first, to indicate that they recited these specific words given by God, whereby God redeemed them (2:37).

Both the physical arrangement and the chronological order of revelation of the Quran are meaningful and equally important to us, as the literary mathematical composition and the chronological order of revelation of the Quran play a crucial role in the mathematical expression.  We cannot but appreciate God’s preservation of His final revelations (15:9) and His giving us knowledge of the mathematical proof He has embedded within the scripture.


Participation of Sura 1, Al-Fatehah (The Key) with the verses (2:37) and (7:23) in the above mathematical arrangement confirms the importance of these words. God gave Adam and Eve specific words for their redemption, and similarly has given us mathematically coded words to establish contact with Him for redeeming our souls. God’s system is unchangeable:

[2:138] Such is God’s system, and whose system is better than God’s? “Him alone we worship”.

[48:23] Such is God's system throughout history, and you will find that God's system is unchangeable.

The above analysis is a mathematical proof which confirms that Sura Al-Fatehah is a gift of God for us to redeem our sins and develop our souls as children of Adam. Sura 1 is recited by us in our Contact Prayers. The remaining chapters in the Quran are also given to us for our guidance, but are not recited in the Contact Prayers. The mathematical evidence together with the logical conclusion has undoubtedly proved that we must recite Al-Fatehah without any change or even the slightest modification to these specific words given to us as children of Adam. We must submit to God totally and perform the Salat using the precise words (Al-Fatehah) God gave us. The correct practices of worship will make our souls stronger and protect from Satan, so that he does not get any chance to dupe us again, and allow us to grow sufficiently to stand in the physical presence of God on the Day of Judgment.

It is a wonder for us how precisely God Almighty has encoded our redemption process in the Quran and how blessed our generation is to decode it to eliminate any doubts from the hearts of the believers. Now if we believe and practice it accordingly, and lead a righteous life, we can reserve our room in the Garden of bliss (10:9) as promised by God.


Direct Contact, by Ihsan Ramadan with Lisa Spray. BSM Press, 2002. ISBN 0-9714813-1-8.

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