MASJID TUCSON United Submitters International
PO Box 43476 Tucson AZ 85733-3476 USA
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Masjid Tucson e-mail: info@masjidtucson.org
Happiness is
Submission to God Alone
ISSN 1089-053X
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Cont'd from page 3
I will possess all his descendants, except a few.” When we persist in patterns that are harmful to our souls, we are following in Satan’s footsteps.
What can we do if we find ourselves in this situation of not being able to let go? Sometimes it helps to think about ways we can remedy a character defect. For instance, if we know we are quick to anger we can work on remembering to subdue our anger (3:134) and count to ten before reacting to something. If we notice that we are stingy (17:100) we can intentionally work to change that by setting up a charity fund to be available to give out to anyone needing help, be it in our community or on the street corner. If we are anxious (70:19) we can ask God for courage and steadfastness.
It may help to watch our attachments. If we’re too attached to something or someone it may be hard to submit when things do not go as we had hoped. We may then get upset or frustrated and hurt ourselves.
It may also help us to realize that our tests are designed by God specifically for each of us to come to know ourselves and, God willing, recognize our own character defects. Therefore other people involved are immaterial.
It is not them and their actions we need to focus on, but working on ourselves and our defects with God’s help.
However sometimes we are just not ready to do the right thing in a situation or we don’t know how to change. Whatever the cause of our reticence, we can always pray to God for help. We may not know what is holding us back but God knows, and if we are sincere in our desire to change He will help us. It is good to remember that His timing may not be our timing. Sometimes we have not worked through an issue sufficiently, and He is helping us do that in a manner we do not recognize. There is a wonderful one-liner that perfectly illustrates one common character defect: “God grant me patience, and I want it right now!”
Once we are truly ready to let go and turn everything over to God, then we can move forward. Then we can be like the believers described in this next verse: [3:147] Their only utterance was, “Our Lord, forgive us our sins, and our transgressions, strengthen our foothold, and grant us victory over the disbelievers.” (Note that it may help some of us to adapt this prayer for victory over Satan or the “disbelieving” parts of ourselves.)
When we are able to reach this point by God’s grace, we are truly blessed, for in turning things over to God we have grasped the strongest bond : [31:22] Those who submit completely to God, while leading a righteous life, have gotten hold of the strongest bond. For God is in full control of all things.
God Willing
August 3-5, 2018
Dallas, Texas
God willing, the annual conference of United Submitters International will be in Dallas TX, on August 3-5. It is an opportunity to remember God, increase our knowledge and meet our brethren in faith (3:191-194, 18:28, 58:11, 49:10).
Registration and hotel details are available online at:
As usual, attendance will be by invitation only. To help us organize a successful conference—and God has always been generous and gracious towards us—please let us know of your plans as soon as you know.
For questions or information please email: info@masjidtucson.org.