October 2018: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Submitters Perspective

Page 4

MASJID TUCSON United Submitters International

PO Box 43476 Tucson AZ 85733-3476 USA

Tel/Fax: (520) 323 7636

Masjid Tucson site: http://www.masjidtucson.org

Masjid Tucson e-mail: info@masjidtucson.org

Happiness is
Submission to God Alone

ISSN 1089-053X

Quran and Steps 9 & 10

Sheba when she saw her palace moved and transformed said: [27:44] … “My Lord, I have wronged my soul. I now submit with Solomon to GOD, Lord of the universe.” Adam and Eve also recognized their error and admitted it to God: [7:23] They said, “Our Lord, we have wronged our souls, and unless You forgive us and have mercy on us, we will be losers.”

In doing a daily inventory, God willing we can catch our errors before they get out of hand. May God protect us from being like Pharaoh who left his self-reflection and repentance to the very last minute then found it was not acceptable: [10:90-92] … When drowning became a reality for him, he said, “I believe that there is no god except the One in whom the Children of Israel have believed; I am a submitter.”
“Too late! For you have rebelled already, and chose to be a transgressor. Today, we will preserve your body, to set you up as a lesson for future generations.”…

Submitters striving to heal & grow our souls with Quran

Contact Prayer (Salat) times calculator app

[4:103] ... the Contact Prayers (Salat) are decreed for the believers at specific times.

By God’s grace, we have a Contact Prayer (Salat) time calculator app available.  Please visit: https://www.masjidtucson.org/salat/app/


[7:57] He is the One who sends the wind with good omen, as a mercy from His hands. Once they gather heavy clouds, we drive them to dead lands, and send down water therefrom, to produce with it all kinds of fruits. We thus resurrect the dead, that you may take heed.

[10:22] He is the One who moves you across the land and sea. You get onto the ships, and they sail smoothly in nice breeze. Then, while rejoicing therein, violent wind blows, and the waves surround them from every side. This is when they implore GOD, sincerely devoting their prayers to Him alone: “If You only save us this time, we will be eternally appreciative.”

[15:22] And we send the winds as pollinators, and cause water to come down from the sky for you to drink. Otherwise, you could not keep it palatable.

[45:5] Also, the alternation of the night and the day, and the provisions that GOD sends down from the sky to revive dead lands, and the manipulation of the winds; all these are proofs for people who understand.

Be included in our email list for weekly reminders

God has blessed us with the opportunity to send weekly reminders to submitters in our email list. The weekly reminder email is not very long. It usually consists of the topic of the week, and the corresponding Quranic verses and links to get more information from. The reminder is sent every Thursday, God willing.

[51:55]  And remind, for the reminder benefits the believers.

We would like every submitter, whether receiving our newsletters or not, to be included in the list. God willing you can join the list by sending an email to
info@masjidtucson.org and saying that you want to be in the weekly reminder list. If you want to make it a really short email, write “weekly reminder” in the subject line and send it. Or join via:  http://masjidtucson.org/current/weekly.html

If you also include in the email the city and state that you live in, God willing we can compile this information and use it for the submitters without a community who are asking to communicate with other submitters in their area.

Please help us to help you and other submitters by joining the list and by being proactive, God willing.

[3:200]  O you who believe, you shall be steadfast, you shall persevere, you shall be united, you shall observe GOD, that you may succeed.

[87:9]  Therefore, you shall remind; perhaps the reminder will benefit.

Note: Your comments are also welcome and appreciated.