November 2020: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Submitters Perspective

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Cont'd from page 1

Using my eyesight and brains, I learned she put things that I wanted up high.  I colluded with one of the bigger babies to help me get something from a higher cabinet.  Being that we were babies, the plan was, he just stands there while I climbed up on him.  Success, I came down, lined up the arrows and pop, we were eating baby aspirin.  Seemingly, they make them taste good, and at that age, for us it was just as good as candy.  Thank You, God, a blessing of knowledge how to "overcome obstacles" that came with a stern "retribution" on my backside.

Now a little older at five, I began to use the knowledge of words.  I was all dressed up ready to go somewhere nice, and it just stopped raining.  I wanted to go outside and play until we left, but my Mom said I could not, because I was going to get my clothes dirty.  I studied what she said and decided that it was ok to play as long as I did not get my clothes dirty, so I carried out my plan.  Five minutes later, my Mom came looking for me outside, and low and behold, there I was playing outside, buck-naked with my clothes off so they would not get dirty.  Thank You, God, a blessing of knowledge how to use words to "benefit me" that again came with stern "retribution" to my backside.

Throughout my life there were many, many other blessings of knowledge God gave me including several more that came with retributions to my backside.  The most important knowledge I received as a child was the existence of a Creator.  The first two commandments of the Old Testament, worshiping only God and do not make idols, were the foundation of my family’s belief system.  Thank You God, a blessing of knowledge that could provide eternal life in Paradise.

In my late teen years, I took time to meditate on how I came into existence and the purpose of life. Thank You God. This is when God gave me the blessing of faith and belief in the unseen.

More blessings! God granted me blessings of a messenger, scripture, and wisdom to bless me with a purification process and teach me what I never knew, thank You God.

[2:151] (Blessings) such as the sending of a messenger from among you to recite our revelations to you, purify you, teach you the scripture and wisdom, and to teach you what you never knew.

I remember getting a Bible as a gift in my younger teen years, which was when I began reading scripture.  When I was reading I was amazed with Jesus’s life.  During this time, I realized what kind of lifestyle was required to achieve a high standard of human morals.  I read the New Testament for several years, and then around the age of 18, I began to read the Old Testament.  Astonished by the historical accounts of the miracles that took place, I read the entire Bible. God had blessed me with scripture.

By God’s leave, I began studying the Bible and finding contradictions.  God inspired me to ask questions.  Shortly after, God presented the Quran to me.  I continued my study, compared both books, and concluded the Quran is the scripture I needed to implement in my life.  Such a blessing.

Living my life as a traditionalist for approximately 20 years, there was an unsettling sense of overwhelming ritualism.  I became discouraged many times, feeling it was an impossible task to keep up with all the rituals to achieve Paradise.  I fell on and off that path until God blessed me with wisdom.

God gave me a two-week mental breakdown that eventually landed me at Masjid Tucson at the age of 39.  Using the knowledge of my past, God gave me the wisdom to recognize the Messenger of the Covenant, his translation, and the proofs associated.  Thank You God, by the age of 40, God blessed me with knowledge, faith, a messenger with an undisputed mathematical proof, scripture, and wisdom to bless me with a purification process and teach me what I never knew, which is to worship God alone at all times.

These blessings are just the base of many other blessings God has been showering upon me.  Using the Quran I looked up more things God names as blessings and that He has already given me.  God blessed me with: the correct way to perform religious duties of Salat, Zakat, Hajj, and Ramadan, joy (3:15), reconciling my heart to turn enemies into friends (3:103), protection from aggressors (5:11), kindness to believers, sternness with disbelievers, and striving in the cause of God without fear of any blame (5:54), good provisions (10:93), moral character (68:4), contentment (47:5), children & grandchildren (16:72), shelter and garments (16:81), resources (24:22), and many, many, many other blessings that I can never encompass.

God willing, I will not forget that God is pouring a never-ending string of blessings upon me.  God tells us we need to remember His blessings for success in 7:69, and He is strict in retribution with those who disregard them in 2:211.

I would like to close with another verse in the Quran that we can use to implore God for blessings.

[3:194] “Our Lord, shower us with the blessings You promised us through Your messengers, and do not forsake us on the Day of Resurrection. You never break a promise.”


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Everyday is Thanksgiving

Our happiness both in this life and in the Hereafter is associated with our appreciation of God’s blessings

One of the most neglected virtues of our daily existence is appreciation. We often take our parents, spouses, children, brothers and sisters, good friends... so much for granted that we rarely let them know we appreciate them.

Cont'd on page 3