Index to: Quran, The Final Testament

by Dr. Rashad Khalifa

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Dates 16:11,67; 17:91; 18:32; 19:25; 23:19; 26:148; 36:34; 55:68

Daughters, inheritance 4:11


  • Dawn 2:187; 3:17; 17:78; 24:58; 51:18; 52:49; 54:34; 89:1; 97:5; 113:1
  • Day of Judgement, belief in 3:194; 4:162; 6:15; 7:59; 10:15; 24:37




    Debts 2:280,282; 4:11-12

    Deceit 2:9; 3:24; 4:142; 6:112; 8:62; 63:2

    Decided, to disbelieve 6:110; 7:96



    Decrees of God
    2:158,178,180,183; 4:7,11-33,103; 5:3,32,45,48,97; 6:12,54; 7:167; 9:36,51; 14:7; 16:124;
    17:23,106; 19:71; 22:4,30-36,67; 28:85; 39:42,71; 40:12; 42:13; 45:18; 47:20; 57:27; 58:21; 62:9; 66:2

    Defeat for disbelievers 3:12; 8:36; 9:2,98; 37:9; 38:11; 54:45; 59:5; 105:1-5


    Defiance 36:77; 38:2; 46:17; 51:14; 58:8

    Deliverer, God is 23:29

    Demons (see Jinns) 27:10,39; 28:31

    Desertion 4:128; 25:30

    Designer, God is 6:101; 59:24

    Despair 11:9; 12:87,110; 14:21; 15:55,56; 17:83; 30:49; 39:53; 41:49; 42:28

    Deterrence 5:38; 24:2; 8:57

    Deviation 4:27,135; 5:75; 6:46,95; 10:66; 22:9; 29:61; 35:3; 38:26; 39:6; 40:62-63,69; 51:9; 53:30; 68:9

    Devils (see also Satan, Jinns)

    Dignity 3:26; 4:139; 35:10; 63:8

    Disasters 2:156,195; 3:120,165; 4:62,72; 13:31; 28:47; 42:30; 64:11



    Disciples, Jesus' 3:52; 5:111-112; 61:14

    Disease 2:10; 8:49; 24:50; 26:80; 33:60

    Dishonesty 2:188; 5:42,62,63

    Disputes 3:105; 4:59,88; 22:69; 42:10

    Distinction, make none among messengers 2:136,285; 3:84; 4:150-152

    Distractions 6:70,130; 9:69; 15:3; 24:37; 31:33; 35:5; 63:9

    Division 3:103; 4:88; 6:65,159; 17:53; 21:93; 23:53; 30:32; 42:13-14; 98:4

    Divorce 2:226-233,236-237,241; 4:19-20; 33:49; 65:1-7; 66:5

    Dogs 5:4; 7:176; 18:18,22

    Dominion, God's 2:255; 3:189; 11:7; 42:49; 43:85; 45:27; 48:14; 57:2,5


    Donkeys 2:259; 16:8; 31:19; 62:5

    Doubt (see also Certainty)

    Dowry 2:229,236-237; 4:4,19-21,24-25,127; 5:5; 33:50-51; 60:10

    Dreams 8:43; 12:5,21,36,43-44,100-101; 37:102-105; 52:32

    Dress (see Clothing)


    Drop, creation from 16:4; 18:37; 22:5; 23:13-14; 35:11; 36:77; 40:67; 53:46; 75:37; 76:2; 80:19

    Dumbness 2:18,171; 6:39;

    8:22; 16:76; 17:97

    Dust 3:59; 13:5; 18:37; 22:5; 23:35,82; 27:67; 30:20; 35:11; 37:16,53; 40:67

    Duties 2:128,200; 22:29-30,36,67


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    Earnings 2:79,275; 3:161; 5:63

    Ears 2:19; 4:46,119; 6:25; 7:179,195; 9:61; 17:46; 18:11,57; 22:46; 31:7; 41:5; 71:7


    East 2:115,142,177,258; 7:137; 18:90; 26:28,60; 37:5; 43:38; 55:17; 70:40; 73:9

    Ecstacy 76:20

    Eden see Gardens,heavenly

    Ego 5:30; 12:53; 38:26; 45:23; 47:14-16

    Egypt 2:61; 10:87; 12:21,99; 43:51

    Eight 6:143; 18:22; 28:27; 39:6; 69:7,17

    Eighty 24:4

    Elders 10:83,88; 11:27,97; 12:43; 23:46; 27:29,32; 28:32; 33:67

    Elephants 105:1

    Eleven 12:4

    Elias 6:85; 37:123,130

    Elija 6:86

    Elisha 38:48

    Embarrassment 11:77-78; 29:33; 33:50

    Embrace Islam 9:74; 48:16; 49:17; 110:2

    Embryos 22:5; 23:14; 40:67; 53:32; 75:38; 96:2

    Emigration 4:100; 8:72,74-75; 9:100,117

    Emotions 53:43; 70:19

    Employees 24:31

    Encouragement of disbeliveers 7:183; 13:32; 19:75; 68:45




    Enlightenment 2:66; 3:138:5:46; 7:145; 10:57; 11:120; 16:90,125; 21:48; 24:34; 28:43; 45:20

    Enmity (see Hatred)

    Enticing, to hell 4:119; 7:202; 15:39; 17:64; 41:25

    Entrusting 2:283; 4:5,58; 11:57; 23:8; 46:23; 57:7,26; 66:3

    Envy (see also Covet) 113:5

    Ephesus see Cave, people of

    Equality, human 3:195; 4:25,95,124; 9:67-68,71-72; 33:35

    Equipment 4:102; 8:60; 13:17


    Equivalence 2:178-179,194; 5:45,95; 8:58; 16:126; 42:40

    Escape, none from God 6:134; 9:2-3,118; 10:53; 11:20,33; 16:46; 24:57; 29:22; 34:51; 35:44; 39:51;

    Estrangement 2:226; 4:24; 33:4; 58:2-3

    Eternity, of Hereafter 2:162,257; 5:37,80; 9:21,68; 10:52; 11:107-108; 13:35; 25:15,69,76; 28:60;

    Etiquitte 4:86; 24:58; 33:53; 49:1-5; 58:8


    Evaporation 25:53

    Eve 2:35; 4:1; 7:19,189; 20:117; 39:6; 49:13

    Evening 30:18; 38:31



    Evolution 7:11; 15:28-29; 18:37; 23:12-15; 24:45

    Examples (see also Lessons)

    Excess 2:219; 17:29,33; 24:60; 47:37

    Excuses 4:34; 9:29; 18:73,76; 27:21; 30:57; 41:24; 75:15

    Expansion of the Universe 51:47

    Expiation 2:196; 4:92; 5:89,95; 9:29; 58:3

    Explanation, of revelations 2:242,266; 3:103,118; 4:176; 5:75,89; 6:46,55,97,105,126; 7:32,58,174;

    Explosion (Big Bang Theory) 21:30

    Exposing, disbelievers 3:167; 6:28,55,113; 9:64; 22:53; 33:12; 47:20,29; 68:42; 69:18; 74:31

    Extravagance 4:6; 6:141; 7:31; 17:26-27; 25:67

    Exultation, of hearts 13:28


    Ezra 9:30


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    Fabrications (see also Falsehood)



    Faithful, God is 59:23

    False witness 4:135; 5:8,108; 25:72

    Falsehood, arguing with 18:56; 40:5

    Falsifiers 25:31; 30:58; 51:10


    Famine 5:3; 7:130

    Fasting 2:184-187; 2:196; 5:89,95; 19:26; 58:4


    Fatigue 15:48; 50:38

    Favoritism 2:254; 7:53; 10:18; 14:31; 20:109; 21:28; 36:23; 53:26; 74:48

    Favors, of God 2:211; 3:103; 5:3,6,11,20,110; 7:74; 12:6; 14:28; 35:3


    Feast, for Jesus & disciples 5:112-115

    Feeding the poor 2:184; 5:89,95; 22:28,36; 36:47; 58:4; 69:34; 74:44; 76:9; 89:18; 90:14; 107:3

    Feet 4:72; 5:6,33,66; 6:65; 7:124; 20:71; 24:24,31,45; 29:55; 36:65; 38:42; 41:29; 55:41

    Females (see also Women)

    Fetus (see also Embryo) 22:2,5; 41:47


    Fifth 24:7,9

    Fifty 29:14; 70:4

    Fig 95:1

    Fighting (see also War)

    Fingerprints 75:4

    Fingers 2:19; 3:119; 8:12; 71:7; 75:4

    Fire 7:12; 13:17; 15:27; 20:10; 21:69; 27:7; 28:29; 29:24; 37:97; 38:76; 55:15,35; 56:71; 85:5

    Fish 7:163; 18:61,63; 21:87; 37:142; 68:48

    Fishing 5:96; 18:79

    Fist, of God 39:67

    Five 18:22; 58:7

    Five-thousand 3:125

    Flawless 10:36; 18:1; 50:6; 67:3

    Flesh 2:259; 23:14; 49:12

    Flood 7:133; 29:14; 34:16; 69:11

    Fly 22:73

    Foam 13:17

    Folding, of heavens 21:104; 39:67



    Fools 2:13,142; 7:155; 39:64; 72:4

    Foothold 2:250; 3:147; 8:11; 16:94; 47:7

    Footsteps 7:173; 11:109; 18:64; 37:70; 43:22



    Foreheads 9:35; 37:103

    Forelocks 55:41; 96:15-16

    Forever (see Eternity)

    Forfeiting 2:229,237; 4:4,92; 5:45; 33:50

    Forgetting God 7:51; 20:88,115; 45:34; 59:19

    Forgiveness 2:109; 5:13; 24:22; 42:37,43; 45:14; 57:28; 64:14

    Forgiver, God is 2:173,182,192,199,218,225,226,235; 3:31,129,155; 4:23,25,43,96,99,100,106,129,152;


    Forty 2:51; 5:26; 7:142; 46:15

    Foster mothers 4:23

    Foundations 2:127; 9:109; 14:26; 16:26; 81:20

    Four 2:226,234,260; 4:3,15; 9:2,36; 24:4,6,8,13,45; 35:1; 41:10

    Fourth 18:22; 58:7


    Freeing, of slaves 2:177,178; 4:25,92; 5:89; 9:60; 24:33; 58:3-4; 90:13

    Friday prayer 62:9


    Frogs 7:133


    Fuel 2:24; 3:10; 21:98; 24:35; 36:80; 66:6; 72:15




    Funeral 5:31; 9:84

    Furnishings 16:80; 18:31; 37:44; 43:34; 52:20; 55:54,76; 56:15,34; 76:13; 83:23,35; 88:13


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