- Submitters Perspective: April 2021: Ramadan: growing our souls, Ramadan a means to attain salvation
- Submitters Perspective: March 2021: Abuse of Scripture, Why Reject Hadith and Sunnah?
- Submitters Perspective: February 2021: Kindness in Tests, Racism, The Quran and the Bible, Letters from Prisoners
- Submitters Perspective: January 2021: Be Kind, How to treat one another, Parable of a king and his wives
- Submitters Perspective: December 2020: God is the Pardoner, Rewards and Punishments in the Hereafter
- Submitters Perspective: November 2020: Blessings, Everyday is Thanksgiving, Biology student (reflections), Blessings from God, give thanks
- Submitters Perspective: October 2020: Following Blindly, Sins
- Submitters Perspective: September 2020: Focus On Yourself, Feedback
- Terrorist murder of teacher in France goes against God, Quran and Submission
- Submitters Perspective August 2020: Become fit through Submission, Promises
- Submitters Perspective July 2020: Patience: a great attribute, Surviving the Pandemic: with pain there is gain, Independence Day
- Submitters Perspective June 2020: Listen, Listen--silent
- Submitters Perspective May 2020: COVID19, a test, an opportunity, Reframe our Response
- Submitters Perspective April 2020: April, Responsibility, Praise be to God
- Submitters Perspective March 2020: Human Traits—Know Yourself, Round-trip Journey of our Soul
- Submitters Perspective February 2020: Happiness, Road to Happiness: seek to please God, Quran on Happiness
- Submitters Perspective January 2020: Who is God, Quran: Today and Always,
- Submitters Perspective December 2019: A Misunderstanding of “Only Begotten Son”?,
Winter Solstice,
My Letter to GOD.
- Submitters Perspective November 2019: Hold Fast to GOD,
- Submitters Perspective October 2019: The Contact Prayers (Salat), Conference Report 2019.
- Submitters Perspective September 2019: Do the Right Thing, Only dead fish go with the flow, Letters from Prisoners.
- Submitters Perspective August 2019: God guides, How Blessed We Are.
- Submitters Perspective July 2019: Striving, The Gift of Nature.
- Submitters Perspective June 2019: Tests, The Opening Act.
- Submitters Perspective May 2019: Joy, Mindfulness and Being Present in GOD’s Blessings, Happiness, Be Happy, Conference 2019
- Those who commit acts of Terrorism are NOT Muslims
- Submitters Perspective April 2019: The Blessings of Ramadan: Gifts from God, Gardens of Thoughts, All Praise and Glory Belongs to God alone , Conference 2019
- Submitters Perspective March 2019: What is EGO?, Reflections on Night and Day, Reflections from a prisoner, Ramadan 2019
- Submitters Perspective February 2019: Be Appreciative, Worship GOD alone
- Submitters Perspective January 2019: Life After Death, Fine-tuning our Submission
- Submitters Perspective December 2018: Submitters, Quran and the 12 Steps, Comparing with Others Truth
- Submitters Perspective November 2018: Tools of the Devil, Tools in Our Toolbox, Response from a Submitter on the 12-Step articles
- Submitters Perspective October 2018: Self-righteousness (continued), Quran and Steps 9 & 10 of the 12 Steps Verses on Wind: God's wondrous sign
- Submitters Perspective September 2018: Self-righteousness, Letters from Prisoners Conference Report
- Submitters Perspective August 2018: Appreciating God, Quran and Steps 7 & 8 of the 12 Steps, Letter from Readers, Psalms and the Quran
- Beyond Probability: God's message in mathematics, Series 2: The Opening Chapter of the Quran. Sura 1: The Key (Al-Fãtehah)
- Contact Prayers (Salat) times calculation app for Android or iOS (or calculate Contact Prayer (Salat) times online)
- Submitters Perspective July 2018: Submission (Islam): Keeping it simple and how I explain it to others, Fulfilling our obligations, The reminder reminds the reminder
- Quran app available for Android, iOS, Windows (read and search the authorized English version of the Quran)
- Activities / games for the Youth and Young at heart (Quran quizzes, puzzle)
- SSL / https enabled on our website, God willing your browsing is private and encrypted
- New contribution: Selected attributes of God from Quran (sortable). See also our section titled: God.
- Submitters Perspective June 2018: Freedom From Prison For You And Me, Quran and Steps 5 & 6 of the 12 Steps
- Submitters Perspective May 2018: Ramadan, With Pain There Is Gain, Ramadan (second article), Alcoholics Anonymous & Submission
- Ramadan 2018 dates and information
- Submitters Perspective April 2018: Opportunities to Remember God, Habits, part 2, The Importance of Meditation
- Submitters Perspective March 2018: Habits, part one, Quran and Steps 3 & 4 of the 12 Steps, Verses on God's wondrous signs: The Sky
- Submitters Perspective February 2018: How to interact in non-violent debates, Quran and the 12 Steps, Index to 2017 Submitters Perspective Articles
- Submitters Perspective January 2018: Live Your Life According To Quran, Abraham's Prayers, New Year’s High
- Submitters Perspective December 2017: Goals and Priorities, Charity Water, A Cause to Pause
- Submitters Perspective November 2017: Giving Thanks, An Attitude of Gratitude, Giving Thanks Verses
- New York truck terror attack goes against teachings of Submission
- Submitters Perspective October 2017: Choices, Lessons from Travel, Time of Death Predetermined
- Submitters Perspective September 2017: Who Are We?, Hunger and appreciation, 2017 Conference Report
- Submitters Perspective August 2017: Justice, Weakness and Strength, Sura 74 and removal of 9:128-9 (mathematical confirmation)
- Submitters Perspective July 2017: Quran: The perfect source of knowledge, understanding and wisdom, Real Intelligence, Thanking God
- Submitters Perspective June 2017: 24 / 7, Letter from a Prisoner, Awe, Conference announcement
- Terrorist attacks in Iraq, Afghanistan, Cameroon, United Kingdom, and worldwide are cowardly and go against God and the teachings of Islam
- Manchester Arena (UK) terror attack goes against the teachings of Quran and Islam (Submission to God). We stand with the people of UK and the world against terrorism.
- Submitters Perspective May 2017: Ramdan 2017 dates, Ramadan: A Perfect Time to Implore God, Loan of Righteousness, Brand Ambassadors, The Peacock and the Crow
- Submitters Perspective April 2017: The gift of Water, True Jihad, Ramadan 2017, Conference 2017 announcement
- Submitters Perspective March 2017: Trust in God, Commemorate God, God's gift: the tongue and sense of taste
- Westminster London terror attack goes against principles of Islam (Submission to God)
- Submitters Perspective February 2017: For a greater America, You can be President, God's Warnings
- Submitters Perspective January 2017: Steadfastly Persevere, Lessons from the Currency Invalidation in India, Reflections on the Demonetization Of The Indian Rupee
- Submitters Perspective December 2016: The Obligatory Charity (Zakat), Charity, Index to 2016 Submitters Perspective articles
- Submitters Perspective November 2016: Invited to Fall Prostrate, God’s Design of our Eyes, Marriage, What’s So Great About It?, A Special Place for God, Love
- Submitters Perspective October 2016: The Quran, The Quran on Quran, Appreciating God, Importance of Prayer
- Submitters Perspective September 2016: Lord, I Was Born a Gambling Man, 2016 Conference Report
- Submitters Perspective August 2016: Imploring God, You Alone We Ask for Help, The Quran Speaks, God’s Gift of Hair
- Submitters Perspective July 2016: Striving to please God, Criticism feeds the ego, Attitude of Gratitude
- The Normandy church attack: an evil act against Quranic teachings of freedom of religion
- The Nice attack goes against God's teachings in Submission (Islam). We stand with the people of France (and the world) against terrorism.
- Dhaka (Bangladesh) terror attack - against God's teachings in Quran
- Terror attack on Turkey's Istanbul airport: against teachings of Submission (Islam)
- Submitters Perspective for June 2016: Ramadan: thoughts by Submitters around the world, Ramadan 2016
- Condemnation of the Orlando Florida mass shooting
- Submitters Perspective for May 2016: Protection, Letter from a prisoner, How do you spell Success?
- Terrorism (murder, injury and oppression of innocents) is unIslamic and against Quran's teachings
- Brussels bombing terrorism: against the teachings of God in Quran
- Dalori Nigeria attacks by suspected Boko Haram militants goes against God's religion
- Submitters Perspective for December 2015: Has God abandoned our generation?, The Consistency of the Quran, The Quran on the Quran
- We join the people of France in condemning the Paris attacks
- Submitters Perspective for November 2015: There is More to Color than Meets the Eye, Right and Wrong, It's a Blessing to Receive
- Submitters Perspective for October 2015: We Will Deal with the Dividers, How to Be Close to God, An Experience
- Submitters Perspective for September 2015: Awareness, God is never unaware of anything, A poem of thanks and appreciation to God alone
- Lessons from the 2015 Hajj Disaster
- Speaking up against the Chattanooga shootings
- Submitters Perspective for August 2015: Alhamdulillah (praise be to God), Modern idol worship & how to avoid it, Submission destined to prevail
- Submitters Perspective for July 2015: Increase My Knowledge, Quran: healing for the brain, Evolution, Consolidating the gains of Ramadan
- Ramadan 2015 (dates and other information for USA / worldwide)
- Submitters Perspective for June 2015: Ramadan, Focus on Growing our Souls this Ramadan, Purity of Body and Soul, GOD gives you life
- Submitters Perspective for May 2015: Believers will be tested, "Exams" for the soul, Your Hearing, Eyesight and Brains
- Submitters Perspective for April 2015: The Body As An Allegory, Meditation: and the science behind it, Do not waver, April Fools
- Submitters Perspective for March 2015: Tools in our Toolbox, Best System of Economic Welfare, Complete Faith, Confidence And Total Trust In GOD
- ISIS disobeys God by kidnapping and murdering Christians
- Why we speak out against unrighteous behavior by so-called Muslims
- Submitters Perspective for February 2015: Love, Way of Life, Orphans
- Submitters Perspective for January 2015: Contact Prayers (Salat), Who Are We? , CAPA: Cultivating a Practice of Appreciation, Index to 2014 Submitters Perspective Articles
- Gross offense: terrorist murders (including Charlie Hebdo journalists and bystanders) in Paris, France
- Submitters Perspective for December 2014: Who Are Believers?, Tools of the Devil, Like Water and Mountain, Letter from a Prisoner, Contentment
- Submitters Perspective for November 2014: Giving Thanks, Giving thanks for Some of God's Provisions, A Cloud, Thanksgiving: Giving thanks to GOD
- Submitters Perspective for October 2014: Charity, Righteous Traits and how to increase them, Letter from a Submitter;
September 2014 Steadfastness in Tests, Derailed, Quran: the source of Best Business Practices, Conference Report 2014
- ISIS beheading of Haines, Henning condemned
- Condemnation of ISIS murder of journalists Foley and Sotloff
- Submitters Perspective for August 2014: Who Guards the Planet? Jealousy, a disease ... , GOD's Fairness, Faith-worthy
- Condemnation of ISIS killing of Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq
- Submitters' Conference 2014 speeches available
- Submitters Perspective for July 2014: Journeying Towards The Light, Thoughts on Submission to God, My Weight, Verses on God's wondrous signs: Light
- Submitters Perspective for June 2014: Honesty, Forest Fire, Be Thankful, From Scratch, The Greatest Triumph
- Submitters Perspective for May 2014: Behavior of a Submitter, Marvels of GOD, Praying for the Believers
- Condemnation of Sudan death sentence for apostasy
- Submitters Perspective for April 2014: Building Faith, Only God controls life and death, Marvels of GOD, God's Signs: Plants
- Submitters Perspective for March 2014: Submission for World Peace, Marvels of GOD, Kindness
- Nigeria abduction / kidnapping of school girls against Quran and Islam
- Ramadan 2014 begins June 28th (Friday) in USA
- Submitters Perspective for February 2014: Knowledge, Marvels of GOD
- Submitters Perspective for January 2014: Who is God and why should we seek Him? Heavenly Detox, Index to 2013 Submitters Perspective Articles
- Submitters Perspective for December 2013: The Self's Holy War, Religion of Islam (Submission): Truth vs. Conjecture, What is Idolatry?, Is this material to my Salvation?
- Submitters Perspective for November 2013: Warning, Mathematical View of Adam's Redemption and Sura Al-Fatehah, Thoughts
- Submitters Perspective for October 2013: Thanksgiving: Gratitude for challenges, Only the righteous works, To the second generation of Submitter (Muslim) parents
- Submitters Perspective for September 2013: Men in Islam, Conference 2013, Cause and Effect, Letters from Readers
- Charity Water Project: donate through Sep 30
- Submitters Perspective for August 2013: The Immeasurable Beauty of Belonging to God, Verses on God's wondrous signs: mountains, Fear, Letter from a Serviceman, My Lord is always near, responsive
- Submitters Perspective for July 2013: True Islam (Submission), GOD is our Advocate, By the Forenoon
- British terrorist attack: against the teachings of Submission to God (Islam)
- Condemning Boston marathon bombing attacks
- Submitters Perspective for April 2013: History of the Human Race, Experiencing Nature, Preparing for Ramzan
- Submitters Perspective for March 2013: Are you 'Muslim'? Do you follow 'Islam'?, Perhaps the Reminder will Benefit, GOD's Gift: Water
- Condemning attacks on Christian homes in Lahore, Pakistan
- Submitters Perspective for February 2013: Reverencing God, Verses on God's wondrous signs: Animals, Science vs. Religion, A "Christian" Hymn
- Submitters Perspective for January 2013: Triumph, Reverence during Contact Prayers, Towards Universal Unity
- Conference 2013: God willing August 16-18th
- Dr. Rashad Khalifa trial: judge sentences Glen Francis to 25-years-to-life
- Dr. Rashad Khalifa Martyrdom: Jury verdict reached in trial
related: April 1990 Submitters Perspective, The Messenger of the Covenant is in Heaven with his Lord
- Pakistan mob grossly violates God's law by lynching man accused of desecrating Quran
- Submitters Perspective for December 2012: Striving to make God our priority, Letter from a prisoner: Hard times may be blessings in disguise, Do you have a reservation?
- Submitters Perspective for November 2012: Thanksgiving proclamation, Resurrection, The Earth, one of God's Marvels, Verses on God's wondrous signs: The Moon
- Submitters Perspective for October 2012: Contentment, Bearing Witness, A reader's comments,
- Submitters Perspective for September 2012: O you who Believe,
What Do We Really Have at The End of the Journey?,
Anecdote: Investigate, Examine, Verify
- Condemnation of US embassy/consulate attacks in Libya, Egypt and other countries
- Submitters Perspective for August 2012: Tests help develop our souls, Information on Ramadan, Conference Report 2012
- Submitters Perspective for July 2012: Our Real Family, Story of a young Submitter from Down Under,
- Ramadan 2012 begins July 20th (Friday)
- Submitters Perspective for June 2012: Thoughts on Submission to God : what does it really mean? , Psalms 62, Earth's movement around sun, God gives every creature what it needs
- Submitters Perspective for May 2012: Dangers of Humanizing God, The Obligatory Charity (Zakat), Question from submitter: How should I meditate, Free Quran (plus shipping)
- New section: Reader Questions on Submission
- Charity water: May God bless you for your generousity, charity collection goal exceeded by God's Grace!
More details on the Charity Water Project Page
- New Quran translation by God's Grace: Quran translation in the Hausa language (Suras 1 - 19)
- Conference 2012 information is now available
- December 2011 Submitters Perspective: Gift of Conscience, Responsibility
- Ramadan 2012 dates : July 20 - August 17 (USA; please see Ramadan page for other countries and more details)
- November 2011 Submitters Perspective: What are we Thankful for, To read or not to read, Submission: Universal Religion
- October 2011 Submitters Perspective: Water, the Remarkable Camel, Reader's comments
- Online Quran search and browser for mobile devices
- Terrorism of September 11 (9/11) against God, His religion, and humanity
- September 2011 Submitters Perspective: Gambling: You can't lose if you don't play!,
Intelligence, Who Are We?, God ALONE Worthy of Worship
- Quran Explorer 3.7 released
- Beheading a muslim who does not fast in Ramadan??
- August 2011 Submitters Perspective: Ramadan the month of fasting & feasting, Conference report, Comments from submitters , Comments from Submitters, part 2
- Contact Prayers: Mathematical Proofs from the book Direct Contact
- Contact Prayers: Mathematical Proofs Summarized
- Reading Quran for comprehension: suggestions from a submitter
- Calculate Gematrical Values (GV) of Quran verses
- Mathematical Miracle: Verify Simple Facts or verify Appendix 1 (One of the Great Miracles [74:35])
- Quran pages updated online: with count of GOD for each chapter (sura)
- Sighting of the Moon not required to begin Ramadan fasting
- Contact Prayer (Salat) timings calculator with Qiblah (direction of prayer)
- Add long series of numbers (and divide by 19) and Divide long numbers by 19
- Quran Word Search & Count (English), also Quran Search & Count Summary (summarized by sura)
- July 2011 Submitters Perspective (or PDF) online: Happiness, Prophet Muhammad was not illiterate
- View Conference 2011 presentations
- From USA and Canada Qiblah is Southeast
- Quran Explorer 3.4 released (July 2011)
- Quran translation in Hindi now online
- How to uproot Fundamentalist "Islamic" Terror
- Islam and Osama Bin Laden's death: When is capital punishment
- April and May 2011 Submitters Perspectives published
- Conference 2011 announcement
- March 2011 Submitters Perspective online
- Listen to Recitation of Quran in English (Computer generated)
- Terrorists Blaspheme against God
- Commemorative songs (Dhikr) and Quran recitations now online
- View the January 2011 Submitters Perspective or the February 2011 Submitters Perspective
- Shooting of Pakistan governor for "blasphemy" is against God's laws in Quran!
- Ramadan 2011 information available
- December 2010 Submitters Perspective available
- Condemnation
of attempted cargo bombs
- GOD: There is no other god beside Him
- Burning the Quran
- September and
October 2010 Submitters Perspective available
- Quran Explorer (QE)
3 updated version now available
Visual Presentation of the Miracle can be read online (PDF)
- Quran Explorer (QE)
3.0 beta version now available, full release soon God willing
- New Tool: Random
Quran Verse generator
- Weekly Reminder Archive
in progress
- August 2010 Submitters
Perspective now available
- Ramadan
calculation assistant released
- Contact Prayers
Time Calculator released; includes options for map-based
selection of location
- July 2010 Submitters
Perspective now available
- Friday Sermons
available online
- June 2010 Submitters
Perspective now available
- Quran explorer (QE) 2.3
- Property as an Idol:
Lessons from human caused disasters
- Condemnation of
attempted terrorist attack at Times Square
- Submitters Perspective: May
2010 now available online (PDF
versions of the Submitters Perspective are available as well)
- Ramadan
- Submission Weekly Reminder email feature
- Annual Submitters Conference
- Condemnation of Ft. Hood
- Special Offer: Free Qurans!!
(you pay only shipping & handling)
- Finding
God in our lives
- Concept
of Jihad, Resorting to War, Aggression and Oppression
- Is
Allah God of Muslims Only?
- Misconceptions
of Jesus as Savior
- One
Message: One GOD
- Happiness
is Submission to God
- Worshiping
GOD Alone: Universal Faith
- Understanding
Islam —an introductory booklet on Submission (Islam)
now available
- Equality of Men and
Women, and more…
- True Islam “Hijacked”
- Terrorism
Has No Religion
- Let the World Know
: Project to distribute Quran translations to libraries in the
United States
- What
have the Muslims done to Islam?
- Are Muslims
Really Muslims?
- Oppressive Behavior and
the Importance of God’s Guidance
- Homosexuality and Same-Sex
Marriages —a Scriptural Perspective
- True
Passions of the Christ